You can move and resize user slices in Photoshop and ImageReady, but not in the Photoshop Save for Web dialog box. You can also move and resize slic…
You select a slice with the slice select tool in order to apply modifications to it. In the Photoshop Save for Web dialog box and in ImageReady, you…
To display the Slice palette: Choose Window > Slice, or click the palette button on the right side of the options bar for the slice select tool.
You can move, duplicate, combine, divide, resize, delete, arrange, align, and distribute user slices. There are fewer options for modifying layer-ba…
You can view slices in Photoshop, the Photoshop Save for Web dialog box, and ImageReady. The following characteristics can help you identify and dif…
Because a layer-based slice is tied to the pixel content of a layer, the only way to move, combine, divide, resize, and align it is to edit the laye…
You can move, duplicate, combine, divide, resize, delete, arrange, align, and distribute user slices. You can also apply different optimization sett…
When you create a slice from a layer, the slice area encompasses all the pixel data in the layer. If you move the layer or edit the layer's cont…
You can create user slices with the slice tool or from guides, and in ImageReady, from a selection. To create a slice with the slice tool: Select th…
Slices you create using the slice tool are called user slices ; slices you create from a layer are called layer-based slices . When you create a n…
You use slices to divide a source image into functional areas. When you save the image as a Web page, each slice is saved as an independent file that…
A slice is a rectangular area of an image that you can use to create links, rollovers, and animations in the resulting Web page. Dividing an image in…
When designing Web pages using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady, keep in mind the tools and features that are available in each application. Pho…
When you select Advanced Mode at the top of the Color Settings dialog box, you have the option of further customizing settings used for color managem…
Each predefined color management configuration sets up a color management policy for the RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color modes and displays warning m…
In a color-managed workflow, each color mode must have a working space profile associated with it. (See About working spaces .) Photoshop ships wit…
Although the predefined settings should provide sufficient color management for many publishing workflows, you may sometimes want to customize indiv…
The predefined color management workflows are set to display warning or option messages when a default color management policy is about to be used. A…
When you specify a predefined color management setting, Photoshop sets up a color management workflow that will be used as the standard for all docu…
Among other options, predefined color management settings specify the color profiles to be associated with the RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color modes.…
Photoshop offers a collection of predefined color management settings designed to produce consistent color for a common publishing workflow, such as…
Photoshop simplifies the task of setting up a color-managed workflow by gathering most color management controls in a single Color Settings dialog b…
Your work environment influences how you see color on your monitor and on printed output. For best results, control the colors and light in your wor…
Use the following guidelines to determine whether or not you need to use color management: You might not need color management if your production pr…
Because color-matching problems result from various devices and software that use different color spaces, one solution is to have a system that inte…
No device in a publishing system is capable of reproducing the full range of colors viewable to the human eye. Each device operates within a specifi…
Welcome to the mysterious 3d's world of Drink,Dance & Dine which promises you an exhilarating experience Welcome To 3d's | Top restaura…
block paving - Block Paving Designs - Block Paving Driveways - concrete - Concrete Patio - concrete paving - construction - construction mat…
American use of the term "Happy Holidays" to replace "Merry Christmas “A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of t…
G urbanguly Berdimuhamedow has been the president of Turkmenistan since December 21, 2006. His self-given title 'Arkadag', means patron. His…
A yatollah Ali Khamenei is the Supreme Leader of Iran and the figurative head of the Muslim conservative establishment in Iran. The biggest challen…
B ashar al-Assad is the president of Syria and regional secretary of the Ba'ath Party. Al-Assad was elected in 2000 and re-elected unopposed in …
T he Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro held the position of prime minister from 1959 to 1976, and then president from 1976 to 2008. Castro has been …
Following the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, these are the dictators who continue to rule their nations. Their reign has often been que…
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