Among other options, predefined color management settings specify the color profiles to be associated with the RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color modes. The settings also specify the color profile for spot colors in a document. Central to the color management workflow, these profiles are known as working spaces. The working spaces specified by predefined settings represent the color profiles that will produce the best color fidelity for several common output conditions. For example, the U.S. Prepress Defaults setting uses a CMYK working space that is designed to preserve color consistency under standard Specifications for Web Offset Publications (SWOP) press conditions.
A working space acts as the color profile for untagged documents and newly created documents that use the associated color mode. For example, if Adobe RGB (1998) is the current RGB working space, each new RGB document that you create will use colors within the Adobe RGB (1998) color space. Working spaces also define the destination color space of documents converted to RGB, CMYK, or Grayscale color mode.