Meet Taylor Tak, a South Korean curvy model who is breaking stereotypes in the fashion world.
She hopes that young girls see her photos and realise that a person's weight and size don't define their self-worth.
'Losing weight shouldn't be your life goal,' she says. 'You're not born to just lose weight.'
Honestly, even for me, it's not really easy to say body positivity is my space, knowing that body positivity was pioneered in the 1960s by black and queer women to fight discrimination in public spaces, the workplace and doctors' offices.
'As a person who wears US size 14, I can see people saying 'upto your size is fine' then giving that disgusted look to bigger people than I am.
'That's unpleasant, absolutely not right and absolutely far from body positive movement.
'If you really wanna be body-positive, shouldn’t you consider how much your behaviours and posts harm those larger people than you WHO ACTUALLY HAVE ROLLS?
'Yes, yes. All bodies matter and all bodies should be represented. I'm all for that.