It’s a far cry from the stereotypical landscapes of clear blue lakes, rolling green hills, and white-sand beaches that inspire most travelers—and th…
11 Awkward Moments on FaceBook is Just Getting Weird A friend: “isn’t that what they put on small things”? Give that friend a medal!
11 Awkward Moments on FaceBook is Just Getting Weird Through our Facebook feed, we keep in touch with the pulse of culture, depend on you how you u…
11 Awkward Moments on FaceBook is Just Getting Weird Facebook is kinda like school for some who apparently didn’t go to school.
11 Awkward Moments on FaceBook is Just Getting Weird She’s at the school’s library for goodness sake, this is what they do there now. Nope.
Evans just became the first plus-sized brand to showcase at London Fashion Week ever. And it was great! While fashion critics remained divided ove…
The Million Dollar Baby actress is 40 - she's not the only star that looks fabulous in her 40s To celebrate Hilary Swank's 40th birthday,…
He's only just split from on-off girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence, but it seems that Nicholas Hoult may have already found another superstar girlfri…
The most popular game on the planet inevitably has the most loyal fan following. In football, the fans are often referred to as the 12th …
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