Hickory Creek, Texas

Hickory Creek, Texas
6 bedrooms
6 baths, 8 half baths
36,630 sq. ft.
$35 million
Pedigree: Just 15 minutes from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, this attention-grabbing mansion—built in 2002 for CellStar founder Alan Goldfield—continues to linger on the market despite huge price cuts. It was modeled after Vaux-le-Vicomte, a 17th-century château that inspired Versailles, and overflows with baroque flourishes.

Property Values: Ninety acres with a lake, tennis courts, a pool, and a cabana.

Talking Point: Over-the-top amenities include a two-story Chanel-themed dressing suite, an indoor pool, a hair salon, a home theater, and a bowling alley.

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