
The Crenshaw House, built in 1838, is most often referred to as the “Old Slave House.” This home was the residence of John Crenshaw, who committed shocking acts of cruelty within its walls and without. As a landowner and salt mine owner, Crenshaw was in need of cheap labor to keep his businesses running. His solution was to kidnap black men, women and children – mostly freed slaves – and force them to work for him. They were kept in the third floor of the Crenshaw house in tiny, cramped cells. They were bolted to the floor and beaten mercilessly. After the Crenshaws moved out of the house, the new owners began to experience paranormal activity. The souls said to occupy the house are those of the brutally tortured slaves once held captive within. Almost everyone who has tried to spend a night in the attic has run terrified from the house before morning. The house was once open for tours, but is now owned by the state of Illinois and closed to all visitors.

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