Converting auto slices to user slices

    You can move, duplicate, combine, divide, resize, delete, arrange, align, and distribute user slices. You can also apply different optimization settings to user slices. In contrast, all auto slices in an image are linked and share the same optimization settings. This is because auto slices are regenerated every time you create or edit a user slice or layer-based slice.
    Converting an auto slice to a user slice prevents it from being changed when regeneration occurs. Dividing, combining, linking, and setting options for auto slices automatically converts them to user slices.
To convert an auto slice to a user slice:
  1. Select an auto slice. In ImageReady, you can select multiple slices. (See Selecting slices.)
  2. Do one of the following:
    • (Photoshop) With the slice select tool selected, click Promote to User Slice in the options bar.
    • (ImageReady) Choose Slices > Promote to User-slice(s).

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